Wednesday 18 January 2012

Introductory/Very First Blog Post

Greetings fellow bloggers! This shall not only be my introductory post for ALES 204, but my very first post as a brand new blogger as well. My name is Alex and I am currently a student majoring in Food Safety and Quality though by next semester I aim to transfer into Food Science and Technology. With the exception of Facebook, I have never used any form of social media before this class so all of this is very new to me.

The way I see it, communication is very important in regards to food safety and quality. For example, the public should know if there is any concern over any product in regards to it's safety and quality. The public should know if there's an outbreak of disease or recall of anything they have already purchased. I personally would like to know if my lunch meats have been contaminated with harmful bacteria during processing, or if Tim Horton's are increasing the sizes of their coffee cups.

(... Oh wait, they have! Image received from

This probably shouldn't have excited me as much as it did... But it did. My first 24oz. Tim Horton's Extra Large Double-Double Coffee

In regards to a little personal information; I was born and raised my entire life in Canada, though I did travel a handful of times to Oregon, U.S.A and once to the Philippines. I have played the piano since Grade 1, taken lessons until Level 6 or 7, but eventually fell out of formal lessons and now I play the instrument as a hobby. I do admit to playing video games whenever I manage to sneak the time in between studies. I come from a relatively large Philippino family, with around 40 or so relatives living just in the Edmonton area. I graduated from McNally Composite High school here in Edmonton, and was one of those students who had absolutely no idea what to do after that. It wasn't until my 2nd year here at the U of A where I finally noticed the Food Science and Technology Degree offered by the Faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences, and after one more hectic year of scrambling to get per-requisites done, here I am. If one has not noticed already; I love coffee. Not as much as I love my girlfriend, but still enough for me to get giddy over a 4oz size increase to Tim Horton's extra large coffee size.

That's all really for now and I look forward to learning more of online methods of communication in ALES204!

ps. SOPA and PIPA are off the desk for discussion in the U.S. but are not gone! The bills are being revised as we speak. A warning to all of those who believe in a free and uncensored Internet!